Sunday, December 21, 2008

December 21st 2008 - We got the phone call!

Hi Alexandre,

Your father and I were watching a movie when the phone rang at around 9:30 pm, I did not recognize the number, but did the voice.... it was Dorinda, telling me that you were waiting for us in Vung Tau, and that you will be ready for us in about 3-4 months. Alexandre, I can't tell you how much I have been dreaming of this phone call! Your father and I can't believe that you will be with us in no time!! right now, you are 2 1/2 months old and you are just perfect. Your birthday is September 26th 2008. You have been at the orphanage for 3 weeks now and you are very alert. Now I just can't wait to meet you and show you how much we just love you.

What a dream come true for us Alexandre, as you will be for me "Alexandre the great"

Love you

Your mother Dominique


Chantal said...

Alexandre, laisse moi être la première sur ce blog à te dire à quel point tu as fait la joie de tes parents ce soir.

Tu es né du ventre de ta première maman qui t'aimait tellement et qui ne voulait que ton bonheur. L'amour de cette maman a permis à une autre maman de te mettre au monde ce soir à travers son coeur.

Alexandre, tu as la chance d'avoir ta maman Dominique et ton papa Daniel qui vont t'aimer pour tout ta vie, tu ne pouvais pas tomber sur de meilleurs parents.

Félicitation à vous 3 d'être enfin un famille et je suis contente de pouvoir partager ce bonheur avec vous!

Je vous adore....
Chantal et Richard

KirstiB said...

Congratulations - finally the news you have been waiting for! I am so pleased for you! The months will fly by!

France said...
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France said...

Congratulations too you both.

Before you know it Alexandre will be in your arms and smiling up at his new mom and dad. Enjoy that first moment - it will be worth the entire wait.

Soon he will be home meeting ALL his new family and friends.

I can't wait to see Alexandre, Anthony and Lukas playing together....

Can't wait to welcome you home Alexandre from Auntie France and Uncle Brian...

Samantha said...

His birthday is just one day after mine - and we considered "Alexander" for Vanh's name!