Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August 15th 2007

Yahoo!! we had our last meeting with Lisa Couture and she told us that we will make great parents and that she has no doubt in her mind that you will be well taken care off! I promised her that when you will be old enough for car rides we will go and visit her. I am sure she is like me and can't wait to meet you!!


My little Alexandre "The Great" said...

Youppi!!!!!!! Hip hip hip Hourra!!!! Le dossier va pouvoir être déposé!!! Peut-être que nos parents vont voyager ensemble Alexandre!!!! :)

Marie-Felix qui te fait un bisou

My little Alexandre "The Great" said...

Ce serait un autre rêve qui deviendrait vrai... mais j'ai un pre-sentiment que tu va etre ici avant moi. ;o) et si tu est au Canada avant moi Marie Felex tu poura m'aiderez, mais j'ai vraiment hate d'etre ton ami ! !