Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 4th 2009 -

Hi Alexandre,

We have you now!

Wow, what a feeling...

The "Bus" ride was about 3 hours to go and get you as you were in Vaug Tau and we were staying in HMCM, but let me tell you, once you were in our arms, it was like time was never a factor! You were so happy, you came to us right away, with a big smile as I was crying so much and so was your Dad. On the way back to the hotel, your home for 3 weeks, you slept in my arms to whole time. You were just amazing.

When we got home we did a small treatment for your skin, which did not seem to bother you at all and next thing I knew you feel asleep in his fathers arms, it was so amazing to see.

Your crib was in the master bedroom, next to me, I had your milk ready in case you would wake up. The Nounou gave us your shedual, it looks like you were an easy baby but the Nounou did tell us that you has a character - LOL great just like his me, LOL.

What an emotional day Alexandre.. I was still crying when I went to bed as we are now a family. I just love you


1 comment:

Julian, Mat, Johnny said...

I cry each time when I read the day that you got your son.... We love him so much !!!