Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 13th 2010

We all went up north for the weekend!! Yup, your uncle Mark and Aunt Cindy asked us to go to the cottage with them. Alexandre it was so much fun. We arrived there on Saturday morning, we chatted for a bit then we decided to go for a nice walk in the woods. We brought your sleigh and we were ready to go, you really enjoyed being pulled by your dad and you were just looking around at the trees, the birds and what was surouding you. We were lucky as it was a nice warm Winter day! after 10 minutes of walking, we realized that you were sleeping. So the fresh air really help you to fall asleep. Once we arrived back at Mark's place, you were still sleeping so we decided to sit on the deck in the back so you could still get some sleep and some fresh air, next thing I knew, your father was sleeping and so was I. You slept for close to 2 hours outside. As we were relaxing in the sun.

What was also fun was the next day, you wanted to go outside but this time we let you walk in the snow with your boots for the first time. You loved it, you even stopped for a short while so you can put your hands in the snow and of course you started to eat the snow. You were so adorable in your winter outfit just standing there. Cindy, Mark and your father and I really enjoyed watching you.

You are just so wonderful Alexandre, what a great weekend we had!


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